Monday, February 8, 2010

The demonstration 23rd Feb 2010 in Brussels

We are organizing a vigil for democracy at the global level.

23rd feb 2010 // 15:00-17:00
Rue de la loi 175, Brussels, Belgium

We will tell the politicians that real democracy knows no borders and that they need to act to make the world a better place.

Equal power to each citizen of this planet!

Please help us make this big:
bring as many friends as possible, make big banners and inform journalists!


After the demonstration at 18:00 there will then be a screening of the movie inside the parliament.

hosted by:
Graham Watson MEP
the Club of Rome EU Chapter


After 8 years of intensive research and physical field-tests in 26 countries, in every region of the planet, Writer-Producer-Director Joel Marsden and an international team of democracy activists have successfully completed the first hands-on study to see if a true Global Referendum is really possible.



The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker and:

* Dña. Jessica Elio, the chargé d´affaires a.i. of the Bolivian embassy in Brussels, presenting President Evo Morales' proposal for a global referendum

* D. Pau Solanilla, Parliamentary Advisor of the Secretary of State for the EU, representing the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

* Graham Watson, MEP

* Dr. Nicolas J. Beger, Director of Amnesty International - EU Office

* Andreas Bummel, Director of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliament

Moderated by Prof. Raoul Weiler, Honorary President, the Club of Rome – EU Chapter.

To register for the Screening please check details here:
For questions concerning the demonstration feel free to contact us:
globaldemocracy.activists (at)

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